Sunday, May 23, 2010

Second Weekly Reflection

I feel like this week was full of information, I learned so much that I don’t think I could write it all on this weekly reflection. I really enjoyed what I was doing because I was really getting into the business side of the development office. I especially enjoyed interviewing Steve Theroux because he is the Finance manager for the Board of Trustees, so his information on the business of Proctor was lengthy, which is exactly what I was looking for. I learned a lot of information from him, but I also learned a lot from the people around the office. Like when I talked with Bonny and Keith I learned what the facts and figures were of the office and how they need to raise a certain amount of money each year to get the school by. I learned from Greg how to actually communicate with the donors, and how to ask them for money without actually asking. Also, I learned from Kim what it takes to communicate to the donors and potential donors through things like emails and weekly newsletters. There were no specific activities that I was asked to do that I didn’t know why. All the things I was doing seemed to have purpose. Everything happened as I expected this week. The only things thing could have happened that didn't was my interview with Mark Loehr, but I am not too disappointed by that because I got to talk with Steve Theroux, but possibly I will be able to talk with Mark this upcoming week. I got to interview almost everyone in the office and I know almost completely the process of how they go about business. I will benefit from this weeks activity by understanding now how a non-profit organization works, and since it’s the school I am attending I can see that process of business being applied. To this point almost all of my goals have been met, the only thing that hasn't happened is my meeting with Mark Loehr. The only other thing I would like to add is I enjoyed talking to Greg Samaha about communications and understanding how they go about calling donors, that was one thing I was puzzled about before. That’s about it for this week, I am excited for what is to come of this upcoming week, I hope that I will be able to get an interview in with Mark Loehr.

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