Wednesday, May 19, 2010


When I left to go to work at around 9am I went to Dougo Houston's office to go and talk to him about my past weeks because he is my mentor and that is his duty. So we talked for about 30 or 40 minutes just to catch up on my recent activities. After I left I went over to the development office, and the first thing I did was I wrote down emails of current seniors so that the development office can stay in touch with them after graduation. Then I proceeded to go and speak with Greg Samaha about the communications side of the development office. We basically go right into it by me sitting in on a few of his conversations with either parents of alumni or alumni or some other donor. I didn't get to make any calls myself, but I got a good handle on what he was doing and maybe later this week I will be able to speak with someone about giving. Greg gave me the basic script for the phone calls, but over the years it seems as though he has put his heart into it, which is what he said it was all about. Also he talked about smiling on the phone because if you are smiling the other person will be able to hear it. While I was listening he got a few answering machines, but he also made some success as well by getting a donation of a thousand dollars right there. He also talked to some parents that weren't sure, so I really got to see every type of situation that can happen. Greg told me that you never want to ask someone for their money, but rather invite them to donate, because it is less pressuring and a more courteous way of asking. We ended by having a mock conversation where I was the donor and Greg was Greg, and I got to see what strategies he employs. I am hoping that tomorrow I can maybe try calling someone and invite them to donate.

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