Friday, May 14, 2010

A Busy Thursday

I came to the office at around 9am right after my one class of the day. Valerie Ferris assigned me to organize the cards that will be given to everyone as the enter senior dinner so that they will be able to find their table. There were about 800 cards that I had to go through so it wasn't difficult work, but busy work. After finishing that I went and called multiple coach companies for possible transportation to Lake Winnipesaukee for the senior dinner/dance cruise. Some companies didn't charter and others did, but it turns out that it will be cheaper to just use a few minibuses and the Proctor "Big Bus". This was my first interaction with close to formal conversations on the phone in the office. Peg Andrews then came in from Colby-Sawyer College to talk to us about planned giving, this entailed many different approaches to possibly receive money from mostly Alumni of the school. She mentioned this like merit scholarships where the school would give the student money, so that they would feel like they have to give back in the future. An I.R.A or a Individual Retirement Account is a good gift for the school, because it has no taxes on it and is a periodically flow of money for the recipient and, as a gift, that money would be going to the school. A lot of the planned giving money is from wills, so if the school is included in a will they could be possibly getting money, unrestricted or not, or some sort of asset that the school could eventually sell for unrestricted money. Peg also talked about face to face conversations between potential givers and a development worker so that the potential givers will be more susceptible to donating, and lastly she said to follow up on any gifts that someone gives, because if they give once most likely they will be willing to give again, unless the giving is from a will of course. After Peg left Kim brought Pizza for the office and I had lunch and then was finished for the day at around 1pm.

1 comment:

  1. Dylan is doing a great job in the Development Office. Some of the tasks are mundane, but his attitude is great.
