Sunday, May 23, 2010


I went into work today at around 9am to go and sit down and write down a few more emails for the development office of students' emails, so that the development office can stay in touch with them. After that, Brenda Godwin asked if I could go to assembly and give Ed the yearbook and also help give out yearbooks to seniors after assembly. I got all of that done and went back to the office where I went and had a talk with Kim Hurlbutt who is the director of communications at the development office. We talked about how any pages that are sent out to parents and prospective donors come from the development office. She went over how 94% of the revenue comes from leadership donors, or people who donate a thousand dollars or more to school. What's pretty cool is that Kim can track who is reading the emails that the office sends them and see if they are even opening the emails, it really gives her a sense of how to send out the message of donating the best. Kim tries to see how to retain donors, while also getting new ones so that the business can grow. Her job takes lots of research on people, because she makes personal pages for the leadership donors and to do that she must find out a lot about the person. Kim talked about one person she made a page for where the person happened to really love football, so she found a picture of the person back when he was a student at Proctor and put his picture on a personal page. She also put a picture of Chris Ruez on the page posing on the same rock that the person in the other photo had. She said that also all the time she will get an email back from the recipient saying how delighted they were to be given a page that was so perfect for them. Customization is a key to her work. That was pretty much all we talked about for today, and at that point I was done for the day, but overall I had a very successful Friday.

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