Monday, May 24, 2010

2nd to Last Day

I didn't have the most exciting of days today, since I am winding down on my senior project I didn't go into the office for that long today. I went in after my Spanish exam at around 10am, and walked in to find that they were just about to start a weekly meeting, which was perfect. They were basically getting all the preparations for the senior dinner and graduation finalized, along with the upcoming cruise. On Friday and Saturday, when the graduation and senior dinner happen, the development office will be scrambling to make sure all the events are taken care of. Each of the people has a different job in each of the ceremonies. I just listened to this meeting, where they only talked about what the plans were, but then after I began to make the slideshow for the day of senior dinner. I only got the raw pictures before and now it was time to make it into a slideshow. I exported the pictures to iphoto and then into a movie format so that it will be easily played on Keith's computer. That was all I did today, tomorrow is my last day, so I have to complete my self-evaluation and have Chuck write a Sponsor evaluation.

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