Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Making Progress

Today, I got into the office at around 1030am and almost immediately got to work, after greeting everyone. I went to the computer that Chuck stationed me at and got back to working on the senior slide show. I forgot to mention this is the slide show that will be playing while people are getting their food at the senior dinner and not the slide show that Brenda Godwin plays during the awards. I worked for about two hours and completed the slide show, I only used the images, I didn't make a title page or anything like that. After finishing that and feeling accomplished I moved on to go ask Valerie what I could do to help out and she said that I could get the cards together that they give to each of the families as they come into senior dinner. She printed out all the numbers for each of the table and I cut them out and laminated them. That was all the work I did for today I am hoping I can talk more business tomorrow. I worked for about four hours today.

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