Saturday, May 15, 2010

Hooray for Friday

When I got to the office today at about 900am, I sat down at my workspace and wrote up a blog about the meeting the other day because I needed help with the terminology. Kim helped me out to teach me what an I.R.A is for, because Peg Andrews was talking about them an I really didn't know what they are. Turns out that I.R.A stands for individual retirement account, and it is an account that a person will obtain when they retire and the advantage of having one is that it is tax free and the account gives the retiree money every alloted amount of time. So giving a school an I.R.A is one of th better ways to donate because then the school doesn't have to pay taxes on incoming cash flow, opposed to an asset as a donation, the school would have to pay tax on the asset. After that brief conversation I worked more on setting up for the senior dinner. I had to cut out two ribbons for each of the 80 tables that will be at senior dinner, the ribbons are different colors to direct families to their tables. Busy work I know, but I'm glad I can always help.

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